Saturday, 26 June 2010

All arrogance is false

Arrogance. Its connotation is stronger & more virulent than its
denotation. This masks its true meaning. That is what leads to a host
Arrogance is not confidence: I see confidence as the logical outcome
of personal certainty based on experiences that have proved one right.
There're a lot of people described as arrogant. Sadly, I've often been
among them. It still humbles my imagination. When I say I want
something a certain way, I mean I want it a certain way. Other
people's uncertainties are not my problem. In my professional
capacities, I've been described as arrogant, aloof, a snob...& it
makes me less charitable towards my colleagues. Radio station, bank
branch, magazines... I actually started to worry that I might have a
personality disorder. Right now, if I have a disorder, I'm enjoying
it. Immensely!
Arrogance is not passion: The mental pictures I have of passion are
myriad. A couple determined to have their first baby. Liverpool
defeating AC Milan from a deficit of 3-0 (what a comeback!). My
girlfriend's kiss when we thought we were going to get married (I
thought anyway, I was young &...). My rage at a guy mocking my
girlfriend's name. A sports bar during an EPL match with the top 5
clubs. A man not ready to settle for less from his team when all the
chips are on the table. Jose Mourinho when his team scores a goal (he
forgets himself & becomes a child again). I end the examples with him
because he's called arrogant. But he's done his homework, he's prepped
his team, & he's reasoned out the outcome he's satisfied with. His
record of never losing a match at home stands across Porto, Chelsea &
Inter Milan(7 frigging years, o!). He's passionate, not arrogant.
Arrogance is not talent: All sorts of strengths & intelligence (which
manifest themselves as talent) are misconstrued to be arrogance. Being
aware of your talent helps with your sense of self-worth. Your
abilities lend you confidence. Most importantly, your talent makes
room for you socially in terms of being in your own element. Sometimes
some people who are borderline autistic relate with other people only
via this talent (just had a brain fart of an autistic armed robber.
Just a brain fart.). Anyone with a firm grasp of his talent will
choose to stick with what he knows & grow it. It is also known as

I wrote this as I considered many things done in the name of
confidence, passion etc, that were attributed to arrogance on my part
as well as on the part of most of you guys. It isn't something to
spend your wakeful awareness on. Rather it is possibly the point at
which arrogance must reveal itself. With intelligence comes a
necessary arrogance. Like the doppler effect, or the dual
(wave-particulate) nature of light. When light is dispersed, there's
an attedant effect that follows. a necessary tool for the advancement of mankind that
also separates mankind.
Maybe this is my manifestation of arrogance...maybe.

Sent from my mobile device

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