Monday, 5 July 2010

A harvest of Tigers

It is possible to destroy the future. The man who kills a million is
no murderer to him who kills billions unborn. It is from regret that
men consider the possibility of alternate futures. We often question
the cruelties of others, blindly advocating for universal fairness &
justice. Blindly, I say, because no man is yet able to accurately
measure the worth of a single human life in isolation. In all our
preaching & posing, we still fall short of the things that are
expected of our intellect, like realising that no man is God. It is in
this that we are arrogant, for we believe that, very much like all
things biological, the fruits of a man's life cannot be changed.
People don't change, but when they learn what they don't like about
themselves, discover what they do like & commit to it, their fruits
change. It depends on how early or how late they discover this & also
on what they do with the discovery. The tragedy is when people don't
discover the best part of themselves.
It is very often that the best of a parent is found in their
child/children. Sometimes it is cherished, nurtured & strengthened by
the parents & older people. Most times it is crushed, destroyed &
given no chance to become. This is the death of a Tiger. The African
Tiger is a myth. There are no tigers on the continent...except in the
spirit. The Lion & the Tiger are not the same. The Lion struts, the
Tiger stalks. The Lion hunts when he has no Lioness to hunt for him,
the Tiger hunts because he can. The Lion is wary of the strength of
the prey he chooses, the Tiger couldn't care less (the insane fear
elephants have of the Tiger's growl is proof enough for me). The Lion
knows when he's too weak to hunt, his pride will abandon him to his
fate, the Tiger lives knowing he depends on no one. The Lion is a
politician, the Tiger is a warrior. The Lion likes to sleep, the never really still. The Lion is king of the jungle, the
Tiger is what it is, as he is too hard for a title, he'll simply just
show you what he is and leave with sated blood-lust. But of all the
big cats, the one I admire the most is the leopard. It is the only one
with a taste for man-flesh. He never hunts directly. He'll let you see
him & will then circle you. Actually, he uses distraction. You keep
him on the brain for so long, you don't notice that he isn't coming
for you head-on. He attacks from behind. Not noble, I know, but you
have to understand he doesn't weigh that much, accepts his
short-comings and will work his way round them. He likes to eat
man...and dog. True account, I'm not even joking. He can go out of his
way to steal a dog from a compound. Cat eat dog. This leopard in
question 'stole' 3 dogs from a man. One of them from his inside his
I wrote this when I understood better what it means to be. Who said
you have to follow examples before you all the time? The best example
you ever got was how to walk. Once you're on your feet, well...the
rest is up to you. Pick your path, choose your direction, know your
God, give your best...only you and God know where you're coming from,
where you're aiming for...GOD alone knows where you'll end up. But
those who have gone before us offer us examples of 'possible' not
'definite' endings. Think about it. Thank you, insomnia.

Sent from my mobile device

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